Knowledge Base

Catalyst Extension for Chrome not enabled by default

Applies To

Browsium Catalyst 1.0 or later


Google has added functionality to Chrome version 25 and later to prevent software installers from enabling extensions for Chrome by default. Details on this Chrome feature can be found here. This may impact the Catalyst Client-Add-on after installation as client users may be prompted to enable the extension or it may be disabled waiting for the user to access the extension list within Chrome. The Catalyst Extension for Chrome must be enabled for Catalyst to function properly with Google Chrome.

To work around this issue and enable the Catalyst Extension for Chrome by default, please follow the guidance in Section 5 of the Browsium Catalyst Administration Guide. Note that as of Chrome 33, policy-based deployment of Chrome extensions is only possible for domain-joined systems.

Please contact Browsium Support if you run into any difficulties following this guidance.

Posted in: Catalyst Knowledge Base,

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