Oracle to Begin Charging for Java Licensing in 2019!

What you need to know:

The only way to stay up-to-date is to pay for a subscription service called Java SE. Java SE Subscription is essentially the same thing you already had, for free, but starting in 2019 you will have to begin paying for it.

This raises some interesting questions. How much will this cost? Who gets the bill? Is it an IT or a Cybersecurity issue? Is this budgeted in “break-fix?” Can we afford this?

The New Reality

Java has a long history of routine updates to address security issues. If you’re not regularly updating, it leaves you open to even more risk.

You don’t want to be held hostage, because you have mission-critical legacy applications. We know you’re tasked to keep these apps on life-support as long as possible; because the alternative is too costly. Some customers have estimated the cost to move their legacy apps off Java and the expenditure in time and money are prohibitive.

What’s Next?

Since September we’ve had dozens of clients tell us they have been getting “surprise emails” for Java SE Subscriptions stating that invoices would be coming in January. Depending on the size of the organization we’ve seen fees in the six to seven figure range. You can imagine the kind of panic this creates for everyone involved.

It’s only a matter of time before you or someone in your organization receives a bill like this. We have a better way to deal with this. What if instead of paying unexpected fees, trying to migrate off Java, or putting your head in the sand there was a better solution?

The solution is two-fold. First, you need to know how much risk you have. You need to know how many versions of Java you have, how many seats, and licenses are required. Once you’ve identified the numbers of seats and all the versions of Java you have in your environment you’ll need a way to protect or update those existing versions.

This is what Browsium can do because we are the only company in the world that lives in the browser and deals with these problems, efficiently, and cost-effectively.

There’s another way

Our clients at Pfizer, Stanley Black+Decker,  and Blue Cross Blue Shield have faced this exact same issue. Here’s what they have to say about it.

“When we initially found Browsium we were looking for a vendor who could help us get our browser compatibility with legacy apps under control. What we ended up finding was Ion, the only solution that could get multiple versions of Java to play nice together which reduced our management overhead and was simple to deploy.”

— Mark Hainley – Haemonetics / Sonesta Hotels

Some of our clients who won’t be paying for Java SE Subscription.

Boston Scientific, Pfizer, Biogen, City of Olypia, Blue Cross Blue Shield, The Hartford, Stanley Black & Decker

The Only Solution

You’re going to have to make a decision. You can either continue down the path you have already been traveling, or you can find a better alternative. Doing nothing is likely to end up being costly. However, if you want to change the trajectory of this new reality with Java, you’re going to have to do something.

Browsium is the only option where you never to have to update to newer versions of Java, never are held hostige to keep Java safe, and you never have to migrate your legacy systems off Java.

Browsium has the tool set to help your IT dept support the hundred effort months of technology projects you manage annually.

We have been at this, and only this, for the better part of a decade.

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