Proton Use Cases

Using Proton to collect and analyze information about your enterprise’s browser-based application environment helps your IT team be more productive, make better-informed decisions, and improve your services.

Here are a few of the most popular ways Proton delivers immediate value.

  • Windows 10 migration and Edge readiness – Proton inventories all web applications, browsers, and add-ons, reports on usage and interdependencies, and presents this data in a graphical dashboard. This granular data, with line-item detail, is important as you prioritize testing and plan a smooth Windows 10 migration. It also helps you prepare for your bimodal (modern + legacy) browser strategy, by identifying web applications requiring a legacy browser versus Edge (or Chrome)-ready applications.
  • Java version management and security – Proton enables you to detect Java usage throughout your organization by mapping installed Java versions to each dependent web application and its user. This data helps you uncover unused and insecure but necessary versions, rationalize use, and determine interdependencies, so you can develop a plan to secure Java with Browsium Ion.
  • Web application performance optimization – By providing current and historical web application performance data, collected at user endpoints, Proton gives you a clear viewpoint and deep insight into patterns of web application performance. These analytics empower you to troubleshoot and optimize web application performance issues and improve productivity and end user experience.
  • SaaS license (shadow IT) compliance and rationalization – Proton’s granular-level data gives you the ability to understand what SaaS licenses, including shadow IT, are used in your company and by whom. This enables you to ensure compliance, gain volume discounts, properly scale hosting services, and set a strategy moving forward.
  • Information security compliance – PProton’s detailed and up-to-date web application usage data, includes detection of corporate documents stored on cloud storage services. This data enables you to validate the integrity of your IT environment and improve your internal compliance reporting process.

Know what’s happening in your web application environment. Download the free Browsium Proton Evaluation Kit today.

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