Knowledge Base

How does Proton reduce IT security risk?

Proton helps reduce browser-based attack surfaces by enabling IT to see which applications need which add-ons and browser settings, correlating that information with which add-ons or settings are in use, thus helping identify gaps between the two.

Using Proton, an organization is able to ensure the removal of unnecessary software or configurations, such as older versions of Java (which has a long history of security updates that also impact web application compatibility). This reduces the potential for unwanted or unknown security exposure. In addition, Proton serves as a regulatory compliance and security reporting tool by validating effective security settings and displaying real usage data. This information can be used to validate end-point configurations and audit those configurations for end user attack vectors and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, SOX, and others.

Proton reports give IT security managers the information needed to ensure lockdown or bypass configurations are properly set up, along with reports to prove unwanted sites are unable to circumvent these configurations. Proton delivers targeted and accurate end-point security data on an on-going basis, making it an essential reporting tool for IT security managers.

Posted in: Proton FAQs,

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